Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reset OC4J Admin Password for OAS

 Source - http://www.dbuggr.com/milly/steps-reset-oc4j-admin-password/

 Steps on how to reset OC4J Admin Password
If you lost your oc4jadmin password (Oracle Application Server admin), follow the steps below to update the password - 
Follow the steps below to reset oc4jadmin user: 
Stop OC4J and the Application Server Control. (opmnctl stopall)
  1. Edit system-jazn-data.xml file with text editor
(UNIX) $OAS_HOME/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
(Windows) $OAS_HOME\j2ee\home\config\system-jazn-data.xml

Search for “oc4jadmin” user in system-jazn-data.xml. You’ll see something similar to this:
        OC4J Administrator
        OC4J Administrator
  1. Replace the encrypted password string between tag to the password you desire. Make sure you prefix the password with an exclamation point (!) and also follow the password requirements for OAS. For example:
        OC4J Administrator
        OC4J Administrator
  1. Delete everything under persistence directory (do not delete persistence directory itself):
(UNIX) $OAS_HOME/j2ee/oc4j_soa/persistence/
(Windows) $OAS_HOME\j2ee\oc4j_soa\persistence\
  1. Start OC4J and the Application Server Control. (opmnctl startall)