Thursday, December 17, 2009

JDEdwards EnterpriseOne Fast Path Codes

The JDE FASTPATH is fast redirect to most used JDEdwards applications like Batch Versions, Automatic Accounting instructions and others.

List of JDEdwards of FASTPATH codes to Interactive Applications

Fast PathDescription Program Menu
1KAddress Book ConstantsP0000
3KA/R ConstantsP0000
4KA/P ConstantsP0000
9KG/L ConstantsP0000
AAIAutomatic Accounting InstructionsP0012
AAITAAI TranslationsP00123
ACCTSingle Account RevisionP0901
ATAutomatic Accounting InstructionsP40950
BHBatch Header RevisionsP0011 
BPBranch/Plant DefaultP4100
BVBatch VersionsP98305
COCompany ConstantsP0010
COPYCopy D/Ws, UDCs, Menus, othersP9864
DMAAIAutomatic Accounting InstructionsP40950
DUPBank Duplicata InquiryP7603B1
FAFlex Chart Account SpecsP0907
FSFlex Chart Subledger SpecsP0907
IVInteractive VersionsP983051
JEJournal EntriesP0911
JSIJob Status InquiryP512000
MCMessage CenterP012501
MCUBusiness Unit RevisionsP0006
MENUSMenu RevisionsP0082
NNNext NumbersP0002
OCMObject Configuration ManagerP986110
OLObject LibrarianGH902
OMWObject Management WorkbenchGH902
OPMPath Code MasterP980042
OTObject TransferP98604
PMPromotion ManagerP98603
POSTG/L PostG0911
PSWDUser PasswordsGH9052
SARSPeopleSoft SAR SystemP98481
TAXTax Rates & AreasP4008
UDCUser Defined CodesGH9011
UOUser OverridesGH9011
USERSUser Profile RevisionsGH9011
UTBUniversal Table BrowserUTBrowse.exe
VCHVoucher entryG0411
WCEmployee Work CenterP012503
WSJWork With Server - Submitted JobsGH9011
XREFCross ReferenceP980011
