Thursday, February 14, 2019

Oracle Weblogic Critical Patch Update (January 2019 OCPU)

Due to the increase in attack on Weblogic, Oracle is releasing Critical Patch Update every Quarter.

Below are the steps to Install Weblogic  Weblogic January CPU patch set.  Remember if you already have the previous patch there are conflict sometimes, so you might have to uninstall the previous patchset before applying the latest one.

The Oracle Product Patch info is located at

Download following Patch from

6880880 - Optach 13.9.4 Patch
29137924 - OUI Interim Patch
28710939 - Weblogic Jan 2019 OCPU

  1. Stop Weblogic Admin Server and All Managed Instance
  2. Stop NodeManager Service
  3. Stop Server Manager Agent
  4. Make sure Task Manager no java process running
  5. Unzip in a folder D:\Software\92\HTML\PatchSet using 7-zip (if it’s a linux system use command unzip )
  6. Backup D:\Oracle\Middleware using 7-zip
  7. open CMD  - Run As an administrator
  8. set PATH=D:\OracleWLS\Middleware\Oracle_Home\OPatch;%PATH%
  9. set PATH=D:\OracleWLS\Java\bin;%PATHH%
  10. D:
  11. cd D:\Software\92\HTML\PatchSet\6880880  (This is a directory in Step 5 to unzip folder)
  12. java -jar opatch_generic.jar -J-Doracle.installer.oh_admin_acl=true -silent oracle_home=D:\OracleWLS\Middleware\Oracle_Home
  13. cd ..
  14. cd 29137924
  15. opatch apply -oop
  16. cd ..
  17. cd 28710939
  18. opatch apply -oop