Thursday, March 27, 2014

Purge WorkCenter Message

Purge Bulk Work Center using SQL :-

Purging WorkCenter Message first time is too time consuming as there are millions of record.  Use below select statement to count records and then using delete purge them.

Note: -The Order of SQL is important, because data are inter-dependent on each other.

SELECT COUNT(*) from PRODDTA.F00166 where GTOBNM='GT01131'
AND GTTXKY IN (SELECT ZZSERK from PRODDTA.F01131 where ZZDTI lt 113170);

SELECT COUNT(*) from PRODDTA.F00165 where GDOBNM='GT01131'
AND GDTXKY IN (SELECT ZZSERK from PRODDTA.F01131 where ZZDTI lt 113170);

SELECT COUNT(*) from  proddta.F01131T where
ZCSERK in (SELECT zzserk)from PRODDTA.F01131 where ZZDTI lt 113170);

SELECT COUNT(*) from PRODDTA.F01131M where ZMDTI lt 113170;

SELECT COUNT(*) from  proddta.F01133 where
ZTSERK in (SELECT zzserk from PRODDTA.F01131 where ZZDTI lt 113170);

SELECT COUNT(*)  from PRODDTA.F01131 where ZZDTI lt 113170;

 Clear Orphaned Record R01131M with Data Selection  on ZMDTI

Now do your regular maintenance to Purge Work Center message with R01131P

Question 1:  In what tables are the Work Center Messages stored?

Answer 1: The Work Center is the hub of all messages within EnterpriseOne. Work Center messages are stored in the following tables:

  •     F01131        PPAT Message Control File
  •     F01133        PPAT Message Detail File
  •     F01131M     JDEM Multi Level Message
  •     F01131T      Message Attachment Tag File
  •     F00165        Media Object Storage (identified under GT01131)
  •     F00166        Media Object Categories (identified under GT01131)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

JVM JAS to run on different timezone

Setup JVM to run on different Time Zone then the Time Zone on Machine

Add JVM arguments at smae place where you have other arguments like Xmx, Xms etc ...

For eg JVM running on India Time Zone.
