Friday, August 9, 2013

Start JDE Queue's

Start Queue manually

Go to system/bin32 on Enterprise Server

For Windows -
jdequeue.exe JDE jdepassword PD910 QB7333 UBE 5

For Unix - JDE jdepassword PD910 QB7333 UBE 5

where jdepassword is a password of JDE
PD910 is an environment defined in JDE.INI of Enterprise Server

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Oracle: Spool to Excel from SQLPlus

Spooling the output from SQLPlus to log file is often in unreadable format.

To Spool SQLPLus output to Excel (.xls) file, the trick is to turn On "MARKUP HTML"

set markup html on
set feedback off

spool c:\test.xls

select * from testdta.f0101
spool off

set markup html off